Yoga Class Policies

Yoga Class Policies


* Class session registration fees are due by or at the first class. Payment must be by cash, e-transfer or cheque payable to Judy Dougall.  Registrations are not confirmed until you are paid in full to reserve your space.

* Missed classes may be made up in an alternate class taught by Judy in the same session time period or extended into the immediately next following session only. This policy cannot be applied during Covid restrictions due to limited numbers allowed.

* DROP-IN fee is $15
Drop in attendance is on a call ahead basis to ensure there is available floor space relevant to registration requirements and called in absences. (space is not quaranteed)

* Refunds for a class or workshop are given only in cases of debilitating illness, injury or event.  The refund will be given in the form of a credit to apply to an alternate class, workshop or therapy appointment. This credit is transferable to another person.

* During Covid Restrictions a minimum of three full registrations are required to run a class at the farm studio and the McConnell Street location will not be used until required passports fall by the wayside.