

Meet Judy Dougall

Since you are on this page you must be checking into yoga classes. Bravo! This is your first step towards giving yourself a valuable gift. When I first started teaching in 2002 I was the only teacher in my rural area. There is now an increasing number of available classes and teachers. With all the different styles of yoga that exist you are wise to check out the offerings and the teachers to feel who and what style resonates with you, for that counts towards a fulfilling experience of your yoga practice.

So who am I and how did I come to teach Yoga?

When I graduated high school I had no idea “what I wanted to be when I grew up”. There was no career that really appealed to me, so I landed a job in a bank while all my friends headed off to quotecollege or University.  I met my husband, a farmer, the summer after high school and married him two and a half years later (in the middle of a winter blizzard!). Life on a farm appealed to me for it allowed me to continue the lifestyle I grew up with; a large expanse of space and nature right outside the door to work and play in.

After our first child was born I returned to the bank, but three child care sitters later I knew in my heart that this was not how I wanted my children to grow up. I was able to become a stay at home Mom and cared for what ended up being three wonderful children that make a Mommy proud.

 “better late than never”

Dougall’s Berries ‘N’ Veggies was established and kept us busy outdoors instilling the farm work ethic into our family. Hoeing alongside me was pretty much what my kids needed to do to be in my company for any length of time in the summer. I am not proud of that and now acknowledge the harmful workaholic nature within me. My yoga career showed up later in my life and helped me to slow down and appreciate relaxing the mind and body, but hey – like the saying goes…’better late than never’!

When the family grew up and became more independent I needed to find another heartfelt purpose. I was drawn into two areas that kept me immersed in learning, variety, and connection with people. One outlet was becoming involved with the Christian Development Committee at my church. This position evolved into a part-time paid position as CD Administrator to develop programing. My second outlet was participating in yoga classes which became available in the community. These two passions led to taking courses you will find listed on my Certificates and Training Page.

One Month Intensive in Costa Rica!

The yoga teachers were continually changing and it was always uncertain whether another class would be available. I decided  that if yoga was to remain a part of my life the best way to ensure it would be to become a teacher. Through internet research I chose the more accepting and well rounded approach of Interdisciplinary Yoga. I resigned from the church job and in January 2002 at 47 years of age traveled to Costa Rica for a one-month intensive training to receive mpicture of yoga class in Nosaray yoga teacher’s certificate from the Nosara Yoga Institute. I performed yoga stretches daily at home leading up to the training afraid I would not measure up with the younger participants. My extra stretching and active farm life must have paid off for I was told by a fellow student that I had a strong practice. I did not embarrass myself after all! There was a huge variety of age, body types, flexibility, and attitudes even among those that wanted to teach.  You are ready for Yoga no matter where you are starting from!

Upon returning home I immediately began teaching classes in church basements and have never regretted my late career or looked back. My various yoga classes are now offered in two locations and I am offering other services.

I would be honoured to serve you by teaching you my style of yoga or providing you with the services I offer.

Thank you!
